Wednesday 9 May 2012 

Technique :-

  1. Stretch out both legs together, hands by the side of the body, palms resting on the ground, fingers together pointing forward.

  2. Now fold your one leg at the knees and put it against the joint of the other thigh.

  3. Fold the other leg and put it near the joint of the other thigh.

  4. Put both hands on the knees in jnana mudra.

  5. While returning to the original position first stretch out right leg.

  6. Then stretch out left leg and keep both legs together


  1. There would be little point in practicing meditation if it had no benefits, but from my own limited experience, the benefits of meditation are numerous. I can only imagine what benefits will be obtained by those who have practiced meditation more regularly, and with more expertise, over a longer number of years, than I have.

    Ilchi Lee

  2. The mind withdraws from society, distractions, and multi-tasking, which forces the mind to look at itself. Yoga meditation is a systematic healing process for the individual and a remedy for society's short comings.

    shim sung information
