Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sequencing Yoga Asanas

What is the definitive yoga text for asana sequences?
There is no definitive yoga text for asana sequence, unless you are Bikram, who claims to be the only authentic teacher. Setting him aside, an excellent text that presents many sequences and also discusses some of the principles involved in sequencin.
How to Perform the 12 Yoga Asanas

The 12 basic yoga asanas are the core of the practice of Sivananda yoga, a form of hatha yoga. Not all of these can be done by a beginner; however, with practice and effort most people can accomplish these as part of a daily yoga routine. 



  1. In order for meditation to take place, the mind must be willing to look at itself. When the collective consciousness of a society meditates on a regular basis, it will be reflected by peaceful behavior.

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  2. Being limited to some extent by spine and hip degradation, caused by Ankylosing Spondylitis in my youth, I could not do the full range of yoga exercises. I was therefore delighted to find this class existed in my own little town.

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